In “Cosmo To The Rescue” follow the charming and adventurous Cosmo the Cat as he embarks on an extraordinary quest alongside his unlikely sidekick, a lovable dog. Together, they journey through the vivid and diverse ocean environment, forming unexpected friendships with marine life and birds. Their mission? To save their friend, a wise old turtle, from a perilous tangle of discarded plastics and ocean debris.
Off to the ocean, above the fishes we will float,
We're off to the sea Cosmo! We'll live on a houseboat!
Cosmo the cat, like most self-respecting cats, does not like getting wet. Imagine his horror when his person-friend Melody tells him they are going to move from dry land to a houseboat–on the water! Follow the adventures of Cosmo as he learns about conquering his fears as he makes new friends and explores the fragile environment of the coral reef.